

1 Login or create new account.
2 Review your order.
3 Payment & FREE shipment

If you still have problems, please let us know, by sending an email to [email protected] . Thank you!


Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!



Return Information

You can return your purchase within 7 days without any damage or use. The product information ordered may have a play of -10%, +10%. If the items requested for return are eligible for the return requirements, we will charge you within 21 business days of receipt of the item. In the event of damage, destruction, use, replacement or otherwise, as delivered to the customer, www.business-bridges.com will not receive and refund the item.

Products made individually (name-based products, etc.) are not eligible for reimbursement.

Except for the extent to which the rings are specifically measured (10-17 measurements), no returns are received. (6,7, 8,9-18,19,20,21, etc.)

You can cancel your purchase from www.business-bridges.com.

  • If the product has not been sent yet; You can cancel your order between 10:00 am and 18:00 pm by mail or by phone. Except Sundays. 2. If the product was shipped; After you notify us with one of the above methods, your cancellation will be valid if you deliver the product invoice, cargo delivery document and the product itself to us in a solid and complete manner.

After the refund and cancellation of purchases made by Money Order and Credit Card, the price of the product or products will be sent to your account within 21 business days after the transaction begins. After the cancellation and refund of your shopping with your credit card, the time that will pass for you to reflect the price to you is completely at the discretion of the bank you are using. The fact that this period is short or longer than necessary is a situation that www.business-bridges.com does not have and has no effect.

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